Penalver penalvch wrote on The regressions are in kernel 2. If the mainline kernel does not fix this bug, please add the tag: Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. I'd love to know why you want 12HDDs, surely its easier to just get a few huge drives and move everything to them. Knowing what distro you selected may offer better guesses. I have several SATA-controllers:
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How to use all ports of a Marvell 88SE SATA/IDE Controller ?

If you are marvelk to test the mainline kernel, for example it will not boot, please add the tag: And I bought it because oft its large number of HDD ports. My OS is Kubuntu Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Controllers.

Computers are my hobby as well as my job. The only page for their SATA chipsets is: Having trouble installing a piece of hardware? PATA hardware issue [32].

I used to be running Brad Figg brad-figg wrote on If the bug still exists, change the bug status from Incomplete to Confirmed. This bug is missing log files that will aid in diagnosing the problem. The only page for their Ethernet chipsets is: With the additional ports, I can additionally use some of my old disks that are left over after buying the 2 TB disks and moving everything to them.

Website, accessed August 8, Find More Posts by kubuntu-man. Use the boot option 'ahci.

[SOLVED] SATA Controller - HDD not showing

Note that registered members see fewer ads, and ContentLink is completely disabled once you log in. Click Here to receive this Complete Guide absolutely free. Originally Posted by frito bandito Can anybody confirm that the Marvell 88SE91xx cards are not compatible with linux? They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own.

Registration is quick, simple and absolutely free. Matteo Nicolin matteonicolin wrote on Yes, my plan is to use that many HDDs.

Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Christopher, I did as you requested. For more advanced linud it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration.

Six of the disks are 2 Terabytes. I really hope that someone can help us.

Using the Marvell 88SE61xx controllers

It will automatically gather and attach updated debug information to this report. As well, please comment on which mavell version specifically you tested. Penalver penalvch wrote on We were wondering if this is still an issue? Find More Posts by frito bandito. However, given the number of bugs that the Kernel Team receives during any development cycle it is impossible for us to review them all.


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